- TSX.V: KBG $0.04
- FSE: KGB1 $0.02
Trump Island
Nicholas Rodway, P. Geo, director of the Company, supervised the preparation of the technical information and is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. As a director, Mr. Rodway is not independent from the Company.
Property Overview
The North Trump Island Property consists of 8 mineral claims encompassing an area of 2 square kilometers and is located 7 kilometers south of the town of Twillingate, Newfoundland and Labrador. The property is accessible by boat 1.5 kilometers east from the nearest boat launch at Tizzard’s Harbour on NL Hwy 345.
The property’s history dates back to the mid 1860’s when a 20-foot (6.1 m) shaft was sunk on a mineralized zone of massive chalcopyrite. At the bottom of the shaft, it was reported that the mineralized zone expanded with depth but, due to limited technology, no further excavation could be safely continued.
Follow up grab sampling in 1999 by G. Lewis, an experienced local prospector, revealed mineralization assaying up to 3.80% Cu, 0.30% Co, 2.90 g/t Au and 10.9 g/t Ag near the old Clymo mine shaft. The property has not been drilled to date.
The compilation of the recent 1998-99 field work done by Lewis suggests that a more detailed exploration program is warranted.
Exploration History
In 1863 Nicholas Clymo, a miner of Cornwall, United Kingdom visited the area and sunk a pit to a depth of 20 feet (6.1 m) which followed a 3 feet (0.9 m)wide mineralized zone that was said to increase in thickness with depth.
He reported that a shipment of high grade copper-cobalt ore was shipped to Swansea, England as documented in the Newfoundland Provincial Mineral Rights Database. This shipment was said to be worth “40 pounds per fathom” (Clymo, 1863).
In 1953, J. Kalliokoski of the Newfoundland Geologic Survey headed up a mapping and prospecting program for Newmont Mining Company in the area but no sample assays were reported. In the 1990s, G. Lewis conducted prospecting and limited rock and soil grab samples and filed a first-year assessment report in 1999 with the Newfoundland and Labrador Mineral Titles Branch.
Regional Geology
The Trump Island Group lies near the southeast boundary of the Notre Dame Subzone of the Dunnage Zone in the Central Mobile Belt, locally marked by the Chanceport Fault. The Central Mobile Belt represents the boundary of Laurentia and Gondwanaland at the start of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogeny.
The oldest unit in the Twillingate area is the Cambrian Sleepy Cove Formation mafic pillow flows and breccias mixed with minor silicic volcaniclastics. The Twillingate Granitoid, a high-soda trondjhemite characteristic of ophiolite assemblages intruded the mafic formation. Zircon age-dates place the granitoid as Late Cambrian (510 m.y.). Amphibolite dykes intrude the granitoid and mafic units with Lower Ordovician zircon ages.
The ophiolite assemblages in the Notre Dame Subzone host a number of copper-rich deposits that have been mined in west-central Newfoundland.
Nicholas Rodway, P. Geo. supervised the preparation of the technical information and is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43‐101.