- TSX.V: KBG $0.04
- FSE: KGB1 $0.02
Quebec Cobalt
Resources: Ninuk Lake Project
Broadback River Cobalt Property
Roberge Cobalt Property

Nicholas Rodway, P. Geo, director of the Company, supervised the preparation of the technical information and is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. As a director, Mr. Rodway is not independent from the Company.
Ninuk Lake Cobalt Property
The Ninuk Lake Project is located approximately 175 kilometers northeast of Umiujag, Quebec and consists of 19 mineral claims encompassing 2164 acres. A deep-sea port is located 125 kilometers from the property.
In 2001 Falconbridge Ltd. completed an exploration program consisting of surface sampling, mapping and electromagnetics. Surface sampling of massive sulfide in outcrop yielded anomalous values of up to 2.6% Ni, 1.8% Cu, and 0.27% Co. Mapping of the area exposed several lenticular ultramafic bodies containing pods massive sulfide. A small-scale electromagnetics program yielded several subsurface conductors in the area. Due to several other discoveries that year, the exploration work by Falconbridge Ltd. was not followed up. The compilation of these results encourages further work to be completed on the property.
Regional Geology - The area is Neoarchean in age and located within the superior province with ultramaficfelsic rocks including granodiorite, tonalite, paragneiss, amphibolite, peridotite, pyroxenite, and gabbronorite. Structurally the area of interest is bounded to the east and west by two regional fault systems.
Broadback River Cobalt Property
The Broadback River Project is located only 24 kilometers northwest of the Nuinsco Discovery zone and consists of 9 mineral claims encompassing 1035 acres. The property can be easily accessed by the James Bay Road north from Matagami and then by logging roads to the property approximately 75 kilometers inland.
In 1985 a magnetic and electromagnetics survey was flown by the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources that uncovered several large conductors. In 1999-2000 Falconbridge Ltd. took 152 samples and uncovered semi massive sulphide assaying 0.7% Ni, 0.3 Cu, and 0.09% Co but only drill tested the northwestern portion of the property. All southeastern conductors remain untested.
Regional Geology- The area is Archean in age and dominated by intrusive gabbro, which cuts felsic and mafic volcanics and iron formation of the Frotet-Evans Belt.
Roberge Cobalt Property
The Roberge Project is located 2.1 kilometers southeast of Chesterville, Quebec and consists of 3 mineral claims encompassing 443 acres. The property is easily assessable by a paved road, which runs through the property. Soil sampling on the property revealed several anomalous sediment samples assaying up to 1.06% cobalt. The work was done by the Quebec Government through a regional soil sampling program and can be found in open report DV 84-16.
Nicholas Rodway, P. Geo. supervised the preparation of the technical information and is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43‐101.